1. Re-Read James 4:8-10
In the light of what I’ve just heard how do I need to humble myself?
What can I be encouraged by when I’m realising (again!) that I’ve sinned?
2. Re-Read James 1:5-8 and 3:14-18
What would it look like for me at the moment to not be jealous of other people's lives and situations ?
And what about being more selfless and less selfish? (at home, in the family, in my street, with our church family)
Revisit #1!
And then … Ask God for His help inside to change your desires, motives, thoughts, words and actions.
3. Re-Read James 1:2-4.
Take a moment to rejoice in the Lord in the trials He has currently given me to handle and to rejoice in His purposes for me through them.
Let’s take what we’ve heard from God’s word and pray more widely for Christians facing all kinds of trials at the moment: