A warm welcome to you all for our service today. As Ali and Merv are having a break David North brings us his talk inspired from the book of Ephesians.

2 Tim 2 v 11. ‘If we died with him, we will also live with him; if we endure, we will also reign with him.’ In Ephesians 2 we see how we are made alive in Christ. Opening prayer. Thank you Jesus that we have the hope of heaven, where we won’t just be worshipping with you but we will be reigning with You. Amen. In thankfulness of the grace Christ showed to us, let’s begin our worship with the hymn Amazing Grace.

Amazing Grace (My chains are gone)

For it is by Grace you have been saved, through faith – and this is not from yourselves, it is a gift of God – not by works, so that no one can boast. Eph 2 v 8-9.

Thank you Heavenly father, for your free gift of Salvation. Help us to live by faith in Your Son Jesus, who by His unconditional love shown on the cross gave Himself for us, so that we might be saved by grace through faith in Him, in whose name we pray. Amen.

Let’s continue to praise God for His Grace and Mercy in the following songs: Oh the mercy of God (G Bullock) Only by Grace. (G Kendrick) Wonderful Grace ( J Pantry)

Oh the Mercy of God

Only by grace

Wonderful Grace

Please read Eph 2 v 1-10 as these will be used to guide our prayers of thanks to our Lord today.

Dear Father, as the Ephesians are told in verses 1-3 we were all dead in our sinful ways before we became Christians, and God has the only way to deliver us from our slavery to sin, the world, the flesh and the devil. Thank you that we are no longer in this state because in Christ, the Spirit of God now works in us and is transforming us into the likeness of Your dearly beloved Son. May we live each day to Your praise and glory, in Jesus name we pray. Amen

Thank you dear Lord that you are a God of love and have shown us Your rich mercy and sent Your Son to die in our place. We find it hard to take in the enormity and wisdom of Your plan for our salvation, the mercy and grace shown to us that has freed us from the power of sin and death and given us the gift of making us right with You. There is nothing we can do but say thank You for the righteousness you have freely given us, and pray that we may glorify You in all we do and say, and praise Your holy name, through the power of the Holy Spirit, Amen (V 4-5)

Loving Father, we are humbled when we think about how You have changed us and have raised us to sit in heaven with Jesus, Your grace, love and kindness is just so amazing. Our sure hope of being in heaven, singing Your praises with a myriad of voices, and standing as a witness to Your grace and unconditional love for us, sinners saved by grace. Thank You in Jesus name. Amen. (v 6-7)

Thank you dear Lord, that we have been saved by You, not by anything we have done but purely by Your grace. Thank you for the faith You have given us as Your gift, and it is because of this faith that we wish to live as images of Jesus in this world. Thank you that You work in us, guiding us and setting out for us the good works you wish us to do, not labouring for our own good deeds but only working for you. Thank you that this message in Ephesians can bring us to a deeper understanding of how our lives can be acceptable to You. Amen (v 8-10)

Loving Father, praise Your wonderful name that we are Your handiwork. May our lives be lived to serve You in word and deed to Your praise and glory, in Christ’s name we pray. Amen.

As we come to David’s talk shall we pray. Dear Lord, please speak to us through your servant David, thank you for speaking through him by your Holy Spirit’s power, may You continue to work through your humble servants in our church today and always. Amen

Please read or watch David’s talk.

Talk by David North

Trust and obey.

Creator God, you shaped us in your image. You created us in love. You gave us many gifts and talents. We pray that you give us guidance today in how is best to use our time, efforts and talents. Help us walk the path you guide us on. Let my actions reflect you. Amen

Be with Ali and Merv on their second week of holiday. Amen

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